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Recording a Login Workflow

The workflow recorder simplifies the task of building a workflow visually. The user can click a record button and directly interact with a popup browser window to collect specific actions. The recorder keeps track of each action and allows the user to test that the workflow runs and then save the workflow YAML data to the application's automation workspace.

The screen shots below show the UI interactions needed to record a login workflow for the bWapp security tutorial application.

Launch the Recorder

Type in the URL

  1. Type the URL in the browser navigation bar
  2. Hit return
  3. The browser will navigate to the URL

Select Username Textbox

  1. Click the ALT key to enter selection mode.
  2. Click inside the username textbox.
  3. Notice that steps have been recorded as indicated in the left side panel.

Select Password Textbox

  1. Click the ALT key to enter selection mode.
  2. Click inside the password textbox.
  3. Notice that more steps have been recorded as indicated in the left side panel.

Select Login Button

  1. Click the ALT key to enter selection mode.
  2. Click inside the Login button boundary.
  3. Notice that more steps have been recorded as indicated in the left side panel.

Play the Workflow to Verify Correct Behavior

  1. Click the 'Play' button in the top left panel.
  2. Enter the endpoint, username and password strings. Note that endpoint must be strictly formatted as http://{host} and no trailing slash or path/file parts.
  3. Press the 'Run Workflow' button.
  4. The browser should run through the recorded steps one at a time, and you should see the steps increment on the left as the browser is animated on the right.

Copy the Generated YAML to the Clipboard

  1. Click the copy button at the top of the left panel to place the generated YAML on the clipboard.
  2. Close the left side panel.

Create and Save a Workflow from the YAML text

  1. In the automation tab on the left, click the 'Add' button at the top of the view.
  2. Paste the clipboard contents into the pop-up dialog.
  3. Click the 'Add' button.
  4. Expand the 'New Workflow' item in the right-side view and note the workflow YAML

Test the workflow

  1. Click the 'Test' button at the top of the right-side view.
  2. enter the endpoint and credential text.
  3. Click the 'Run' button.