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Basic Concepts

Venari uses a YAML-based markup language called "workflows" to perform much of the heavy lifting for browser automation. These workflows are generated from the Venari UI using the following methods:

There is a Recorder Tutorial that walks through the process of creating a login workflow.

Use the VS Code editor to build powerful workflows and fully unlock the Venari workflow capabilities.

Fundamentally, workflows are used to express browser actions in a specific sequence. In order to perform these actions, you will need to identify visually interactable items. These items are selected by clicking elements in the application UI or by searching the DOM (Document Object Model) elements. The first action in a workflow should be a Navigate. Alternatively, you can run another workflow that has a Navigate using the RunWorkflow action.

Some example actions:

  • Navigating to a URL
  • Entering text into a text/password input
  • Selecting an item from a select input
  • Checking a checkbox or radio button
  • Hovering over a target
  • Clicking on a target
  • Executing javascript
  • Running another workflow

One of the Header properties of a workflow is "RequiresLogin". If set to True, you are indicating that you will require login state in order for the workflow to run successfully. During an analysis job, workflows that require a login will only execute after the login workflow has been run to acquire state.

Performing an action that changes the state of the DOM (Document Object Model) typically will need a WaitForContent action followed by a Snapshot action. Snapshots allow the workflow to find new items that may have appeared from a previous action. Snapshots are also vital in the overall analysis of the application as they record important information about the state of the page used by many of Venari's analysis modules. See Waiting and Snapshots for more information.

Manual Recording

Launch the recorder from the automation tab

Generated Workflows

Select the automation tab in a specific job to see the generated workflows.

Assert Security Editor

Install the Assert Security extension in Visual Studio Code