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Property Type Required Description
Patterns String Array False List of values which can optionally contain wildcard (*) characters at the beginning and end of each value. The existence of wildcard characters will determine if a starts with, ends with, contains, or equal operation is performed during the match. Only supply values for finding UI elements. If searching for DOM-based elements the click will be performed on the result of a previous FindElementXXX.
Nearest Enumeration False Valid values: Any, Left, Right, Top, Bottom
IfFail Boolean False Valid values: Error, Ignore
Skip Number False Number of items to skip in the resulting pattern matches
ConditionGroup String False Value referring to the Name property in a matching rule (HtmlRule, SnapshotRule) or the ResultVariableName property in the ExecuteScript action. If specified, this action will only run if the referred to result is true
NotConditionGroup String False Value referring to the Name property in a matching rule (HtmlRule, SnapshotRule) or the ResultVariableName property in the ExecuteScript action. If specified, this action will only run if the referred to result is false