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This action uses the result of a previous FindRadioButtons action.

Property Type Required Description
Checked Boolean True True if radio button should be checked, otherwise false
SelectedIndex Number False If defined and the resulting radio button has a name attribute, the zero-based index of the list of radio buttons that match the name attribute will be checked/unchecked.
IfFail Boolean False Valid values: Error, Ignore
ConditionGroup String False Value referring to the Name property in a matching rule (HtmlRule, SnapshotRule) or the ResultVariableName property in the ExecuteScript action. If specified, this action will only run if the referred to result is true
NotConditionGroup String False Value referring to the Name property in a matching rule (HtmlRule, SnapshotRule) or the ResultVariableName property in the ExecuteScript action. If specified, this action will only run if the referred to result is false