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Visual Studio Code

  1. Download the installer for Visual Studio code here
  2. Click on the Extensions icon on the left-hand side
  3. Search for "YAML"
  4. Install the extension called YAML Language Support by Red Hat
  5. Search for "Assert Security Editor"
  6. Click install
  7. Create a folder for your workflows
  8. Open that folder in VS Code
  9. Press Ctrl-Shift P to get the command list
  10. Type in "Assert:" in the search
  11. Select "Assert: Install Schemas"

Now you are set up to create and edit workflows. Start with the "Assert: Create Workflow" command. Pressing Ctrl+Space will trigger intellisense fshowing valid syntax. There is a list of Snippets to make things easier. Snippets start with the prefix "wf:"

Use the "wf:Header" snippet to make a workflow header. Once you have a header, create an Actions array as a sibling of the header. Each action has a snippet you can use to quickly stub out the action. See the "Reference" section for more detailed information about actions.

Another advantage to using the extension is syntax highlighting in case you make a mistake in the workflow syntax. Workflow files must end with the extension "".workflow.yaml" otherwise the syntax highlighting and intellisense will not work.